Pedro Gomes
PhD student, UCL
- (2020– ) Phd Student, UCL (with Dr.Laura Toni)
- (2019–2020) Research Assitant with Dr.Luis Cruz
- (2017–2019) M.S. in Computer Science
University of Coimbra, Portugal & Politecnico di Torino, Italy
- (2014–2017) B.S. Electrical and Electronic Engineerings
University of Coimbra, Portugal
- CISCO: Development of novel machine learning architectures for graph-based data.
- FlexLif project (Funded by FCT): Development of efficient, scalable light field image coding methods.
- Merit Award given to the top (3%) best students of each course by the University of Coimbra
- Best Doctoral Symposium Paper Award at ACM MMSys’202
- Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP).
- Reviewer for IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP).
- Reviewer for ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM).
- Reviewer for ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (ACM MMSys).